local produce


Cauliflower & Red Peppers from Upstate NY


If you've been sad that summer produce is waning, do not despair. First of all, it's APPLE season, the best season of all, and we're selling some delicious, sweet, and ubercrispy Honeycrisp apples (which recently appeared in a Dep special grilled cheese with havarti and bacon). Second of all, we've just gotten in some beautiful shipments of cauliflower and red peppers from upstate New York! And now that it's fall--and officially safe to turn up the oven without perishing of heat exhaustion--these veggies are perfect for roasting. (...or steaming, or pickling, or sautéeing, etc. etc.)

Here's a quick and easy recipe for Garlic-y Roasted Cauliflower and Red Pepper. This is a great dish eaten as an accompaniment to roasted meats, or even served cold as a salad. You can double or triple the recipe and mix the leftovers in pasta. We're also not opposed to puréeing all of it with some extra virgin olive oil for a delicious and nutritious dip!


  • One head of cauliflower
  • One medium red bell pepper
  • 4 cloves of garlic (or more, or less)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt, black pepper
  • Parmesan Cheese



  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Chop the cauliflower head into small, bite-size florets. Chop the red bell pepper into thin slivers. Chop the garlic real fine. Mix all the veggies together with olive oil, until everything is all good and coated. Season liberally with salt and pepper (and any other tasty spices you have lying around). Spread on a baking sheet.
  2. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until the cauliflower is slightly golden and crispy on the outside. Take out of the oven and toss the whole shabang with Parmesan cheese. Let everything cool before you start eating so you don't burn your mouth.



Finger Lakes Farms, That's What's Up

Finger Lakes Farms Have you seen all that pretty new produce that's stocking our front fridge? These beautiful orange bulbs of citrus, dark red orbs of sweet nectar, and bright leafy greens come straight from Finger Lake Farms, in Ithica New York. Although Finger Lakes Farm has only been around for two years, the farmers that started this local company have decades of experience and strive to grow the best food while using the safest, most earth-friendly methods. Come try some out for yourself - we'll be getting new stuff in all week!