slow foods


Mast Brothers Chocolate


Mast Brothers Chocolate made in Brooklyn Since most of us are too old to go door-to-door trick-or-treating this Halloween, or at least have neglected the idea in hopes that your neighbors don't question your sanity more than they already do, it's time admit that you've got to treat yourself to some nice chocolate.

Mast Brothers isn't just nice though, that's an understatement - it's absolutely fantastic and completely unique. With their shop and test kitchen right down the street, these two brothers have crafted a dark, bold, and bitter type of chocolate that comes in a variety of flavors. With savory blends like Dominican dark chocolate speckled with olive oil roasted almonds and sea salt, or sweeter compositions that lay caramelized pecans amongst cacao and deep mountain Vermont maple syrup, Mast Brothers is sure to have something that pleases even the most refined palates. Their concoctions will most definitely make you forget about that monster-sized Butterfinger that once made you the happiest kid on the block.


Sweet Deliverance NYC


sweet deliverance NYC  

Oh me oh meyer lemons! These little lemon and mandarin orange hybrids are in full bloom in the Spring but can last year round when preserved. So thank goodness for Sweet Deliverance NYC for canning these little bulbs of sour sunshine so we can enjoy them even in the depressing Winter months. The preserved wedges are excellent when sliced super thin, and laid over crostini, smoked ricotta, and shaved red onion. You can even bake them and the remaining juices right into a pound cake for a buttery-citrus loaf that everyone will fuss over. Use the syrup for mixing up exotic cocktails or as a main ingredient in vinaigrette. You can also chug it -no judgement passed - or use it as a chaser after a florally shot of gin... if you're into that sort of thing.